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Promotional tiles

The promo tiles on link to timely or new information. See how to request a tile for your new service or tool.

Promo tiles give a preview of priority content. They consist of a title, description and image.

Promo tiles can be a variety of widths. They can display across the space available in groups of 1, 2 or 3. On extra small screens they snap to full width.

Where tiles are used has promo tiles on 2 sections of the home page to link to timely or new information.

Promo tiles are owned and managed by the team. Tile placement is decided according to business needs, the timeliness of the content, and user priorities.

Under ‘More on’

These tiles link to distinct topic areas, or timely information that is usually delivered on displays up to 6 promo tiles at any one time.

Under ‘New government services and tools’

These tiles link to new services or tools to help with initial promotion, and to help gather feedback from users.

These links are not permanent navigation points, and are only provided for a fixed term (usually 1 month). displays up to 3 promo tiles in this area at any one time.

Request a new promo tile

Request a tile by emailing

Your request should include:

  • the purpose of the initiative or trial, including the target audience
  • the specific goal being sought by linking from (such as seeking feedback on a trial, raising awareness as part of initial launch)
  • any time constraints or required dates
  • a proposed image and text using these specifications:
    • image size: 500px x 281px
    • file size: aim for 50KB and no more than 100KB
    • image format: JPG
    • description: 15-20 words maximum.

The team will review your request in the context of the broader scope of

Utility links and page information

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