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Complain about something you bought

If you buy products that do not work like they’re meant to, are faulty, or have not arrived in time or in acceptable condition, the Consumer Guarantees Act gives you the right to claim a refund, repair or replacement.

Faulty products

If you buy a product or service that is faulty, you can ask for it to be fixed under the Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA). This includes second-hand goods and gifts.

If the product:

  • is unsafe
  • do not meet acceptable quality
  • is unfit for their purpose
  • do not match their description or sample.

You can choose to:

  • return the product and get your money back
  • return the product for a replacement of similar value and type, or
  • keep the product and get some money back to make up for the drop in value.

If faulty product has caused damage (for example, your washing machine breaks and floods your laundry), you can ask the retailer to pay for the damage.

Faulty products – what to do when something does not work, breaks easily, or does not do what you expected

Delivery guarantee

If no time period for delivery was agreed when you bought the product that the retailer has arranged to be delivered, the retailer must make sure that delivery happens within a reasonable time.

If your product does not arrive on time, or is damaged during delivery, you can make a claim to the retailer who sold you the product.

Delivery issues – your rights and common problems

If the retailer cannot or will not fix the problem

If the retailer has gone out of business or you have problems dealing with them, you can:

  • contact the manufacturer instead
  • complain to a trader organisation if the retailer belongs to one
  • make a claim at the Disputes Tribunal.

Disputes Tribunal – how to make a claim

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