How to enrol your child at school in NZ
Find out when your child can start school, how to choose a school, enrol and prepare your child for school.
Starting school in NZ
Age your child needs to enrol and attend school
Most children start school when they turn 5. You can enrol with a school before their fifth birthday.
All children aged 6 to 16 years in New Zealand must either attend school or be educated at home.
Moving on to school — Ministry of Education
There are some situations where your 15 year old can get permission to leave school early — talk to your local Ministry of Education office for more information.
Regional offices — Ministry of Education
Free enrolment and education at NZ state schools
If your child is a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident (a ‘domestic’ student) enrolment and education is free at state schools between the ages of 5 and 19.
Definition of a domestic student in New Zealand — Ministry of Education
State schools are those that are owned and funded by the government.
Enrol as an international or exchange student
If you’re not considered a domestic student, you must enrol as a student visitor or exchange student.
If you’re visiting the school for less than 2 weeks on a visitor visa, you do not need to be enrolled and should not be charged any fees.
Types of schools in NZ — state, state-integrated, private
- State schools — government-funded. Must teach the national curriculum (NZ Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa).
- State-integrated — receive some government funding but will charge fees. Must teach the national curriculum and may have special values as part of their school programme.
- Private — receive some government funding, but will charge fees. Do not have to teach the national curriculum.
How to find out what type a school is
Find a school’s type on the Education Counts website by:
- using the dropdown filter ‘All authorities’
- finding the ‘Authority’ on the school’s detail page.
Find your nearest school — Education Counts
On the Ministry of Education website, read more about the different types of schools.
Types of primary and secondary education — Ministry of Education
Choose a school
Find the local schools in your area
Find information about schools near you, their zones and contact information:
Find your nearest school — Education Counts
Check school zones and see if you are in zone
Many schools in NZ have zones. If you live in a school’s zone, your child is guaranteed a place at that school.
You can apply to go to a school that’s outside your zone, but your child might not get in. If a school does not have a zone, anyone can apply to go there.
School zones, reviews and equity funding
Read the latest review of a school
Read the school’s Education Review Office report. The report looks at the school’s curriculum, performance and special features. It also includes demographic information.
Search for a school report — Education Review Office
Home education — also called home-schooling
If you’re considering home education, you need to apply to your local Ministry of Education office.
Contact and visit a school
All schools welcome visits from new families if you get in touch and find a suitable time. Secondary schools often have open days. Visit a school and see if it’s right for you and your child.
What you can do ahead of time
- Contact the school to ask any questions you have.
- Ask if it’s okay to visit the school with your child.
- Talk to the staff or principal about the school or your child.
- Have a play at the school in the weekend.
- Visit multiple schools to compare them.
Enrol your child at a school
Once you’ve decided on a school, you can talk to them about their enrolment:
- dates and deadlines — and when you need to submit your application by
- forms — and other information you may need to prepare
- process — and whether they have cohort entry or pre-enrolment.
Cohort entry is when new students start in groups throughout the year rather than on their 5th birthday.
Cohort or group entry for children starting school — Ministry of Education
Make sure you enrol early to help the school plan for the year.
Information you may need to prepare
A school may need information or documents such as:
- a birth certificate or passport as proof of age
- medical information
- legal documents
- contact information.
If a school refuses your enrolment
Your enrolment must be accepted if either:
- your child lives inside the home zone
- the school does not have an enrolment scheme.
If the school still refuses your enrolment:
- ask the school to put the refusal in writing
- contact your nearest Ministry of Education office for advice.
Regional offices — Ministry of Education
More information about enrolment
Read more information about enrolment schemes on the Ministry Of Education website:
Get your child ready for school
When your child is enrolled, you can help them get ready to start school. You can visit the school with your child and talk to the teachers.
Schools (Year 0 to 13): parents and caregivers — Ministry of Education
Get help with transport to school
Check if your child could get help with transport to school.
School transport assistance — Ministry of Education
Get financial help with school costs
If you’re on a low income or benefit, you may be eligible for financial help with:
- uniforms and school supplies
- school fees and activities
- childcare assistance
School costs — Work and Income
Other types of financial help
Even if you cannot get specific help with school costs from Work and Income, you could be eligible for other Work and Income support.