Financial help if someone dies
If a loved one has died, you might be able to get help with the cost of the funeral, burial or cremation. You may also get help with living expenses or childcare.
Help with funeral and burial costs
You might be able to get money to help with the cost of a funeral if you’re:
- the partner, child, parent or guardian of the person who died, or
- arranging the funeral of someone with no close family.
The amount you can get is dependent on:
- whether the person who died was your partner or child or not
- how many assets they had (and you have, if you’re the partner or child)
Funeral grant — Work and Income
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) can also help with the cost of the burial or cremation of someone who’s died after an accident.
Help with living expenses
If the death of a loved one makes it hard for you to meet your living costs, Work and Income might be able to help.
Check what you might get — Work and Income
If the person died in an accident
If you’re a partner or dependent of someone who died following an accident, you may be entitled to a one-off, tax-free payment.
One-off payment for partners, children and other dependants — ACC
If someone’s been financially supporting you and has died from an accident, you may be able to get weekly compensation. How much you get depends on how much the person who died earned.
Paying for the loss of income — ACC
If a parent of a child aged under 14 dies because of injury caused by an accident, you may be able to get help with childcare payments for up to 5 years.
Financial help for children of the deceased — ACC
If the person was a war veteran
If your partner has died from disabilities caused by a war or other emergency they served in, you may be entitled to financial help.
Surviving Spouse or Partner Pension — Veterans’ Affairs
Dependent children of veterans who’ve died may be able to get the Children’s Pension.
More about when someone dies
Your enduring power of attorney (EPA or EPOA) ends when you die. Your will takes effect instead.
Who to contact for more help
If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.
Accident Compensation Corporation
Contact and agency details -
Work and Income
Contact and agency details