Doctors, dentists and prescriptions
Find out about the fees, charges and subsidies for prescriptions, seeing your general practitioner (GP), a medical specialist or dentist. Find and enrol with a GP in your area.
Find a doctor
Doctors and practice nurses work in a general practice (medical centre). Find a medical centre to enrol with.
Paying for visits to doctors
Ask your doctors’ practice or medical centre how much they charge for doctor visits. Children, and some people who need to visit their doctor often, can get free or cheaper visits.
Seeing a specialist
A specialist is a medical practitioner who is trained in a specific field of medicine. You usually need to visit your general practitioner (doctor) first for a referral to a specialist.
Prescription charges
You pay a contribution to the cost of the medicines prescribed by your doctor — currently this is $5 for most items. If your medicine is not fully subsidised, you might have to pay more.
Prescription subsidy scheme
If you’ve paid for 20 prescriptions in a year (from 1 February), you do not have to pay any more prescription charges for the rest of that year (to 31 January).
Government help with dental costs
Basic dental services are free until you’re 18. If you need dental care after 18, and you’re on a low income or have a disability, illness or injury, you can apply for government help.