Finding and starting a job
Learn about job searches, applications, offers, employment contracts, KiwiSaver, work visas and starting work.
Job hunting
Discover jobs that would suit you, find and apply for vacancies, and prepare for interviews.
Government jobs
Search for jobs in government, sign up for job alerts and find out how to apply for government vacancies.
When you get a job offer
Before you accept a job, you need to agree on your pay, hours and working conditions. You can apply for money to help pay the costs of starting a new job.
Trial periods
A trial period is a timeframe that employers can use to find out if you are suitable for a job. An employer can dismiss you and you cannot raise a personal grievance for unjustified dismissal if the trial period was valid.
Joining KiwiSaver when you start work
When you start a new job, you'll automatically be enrolled in KiwiSaver if you're eligible and not a member already. You can also join through your current employer or directly with a provider.
Apply for a work visa
If you're planning to work in New Zealand and you’re not a citizen or permanent resident of NZ or Australia, you’ll need a visa that lets you work.