Taking parental leave
As well as maternity and paternity leave, there are other leave options for eligible parents and carers. You may be able to get parental leave payments from the government.
Use the online tools to find out how much leave or financial income is available.
Types of parental leave
There is a range of leave options for:
- special leave — unpaid leave for pregnancy-related appointments
- primary carer leave
- extended leave
- spouse or partner’s leave
- negotiated carer leave — if you’re not eligible for work leave.
Employment NZ has more information about leave, including when it’s for adoption, whāngai or temporary care.
Calculate how much leave you can take
Use Employment NZ’s eligibility tool to find out how much leave you can take.
If you’re an employee the amount of leave depends on how long you’ve worked for your employer.
Parental leave eligibility tool
Applying for parental leave
To apply to your employer for parental or negotiated care leave you need to apply in writing 3 months before the baby’s due date.
While you’re on leave
Your annual leave if you’re an employee
When you’re on parental leave you continue to build up annual leave as long as you return to your job. Your payments for annual leave are affected in the 12 months after you return to work.
What you’ll be paid while you’re on annual leave
Keeping in touch days
If your employer agrees, you can work from time to time. These are called keeping in touch days and criteria apply. Find out more on Employment NZ’s website.
When to notify your employer
You need to notify your employer in writing before you return to your job or if your plans for parental leave change.
Resolve a problem with leave or redundancy
Employment NZ has guidance on how to sort out problems with parental leave requests.
If you have a problem with parental leave
In some situations your employer doesn’t have to hold your job for you — for example if you’re made redundant. You have rights when this happens.
Covering parental leave and employees returning to work — Employment NZ
Sharing your unpaid leave
If you and your spouse or partner are eligible for parental leave, you can transfer some of your unpaid parental leave to them.
Financial help
Use the SmartStart website’s online checkers to find what financial help and paid parental leave (PPL) payments you are eligible for:
Apply for your child’s IR tax number
If you apply for a government payment, you need an Inland Revenue (IR) tax number for your child.
Get an IR number for your child
On the SmartStart website you can register your baby, order the IR tax number and apply for Working for Families or a Work and Income benefit.
Transfer your paid parental leave (PPL) payments
You may be able to transfer the payments to your spouse or partner if they’re eligible.
When parental leave payments end
Working for Families are payments to families with dependent children aged 18 or under. Find out more and how to apply on the Inland Revenue website.
Who to contact for more help
If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.
Employment New Zealand
Contact and agency details -
Inland Revenue
Contact and agency details -
Work and Income
Contact and agency details
Utility links and page information
Last updated