Consultations listing

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16 results

Proposal to alter Takanini Railway Station to Takaanini Railway Station

Land and property | New Zealand Geographic Board | 6 Jun to 10 Sep 2024 | Closing soon

The proposal is to change the name Takanini Railway Station to Takaanini Railway Station, for the railway station that serves the suburb of Takaanini (proposed) in Auckland between Manurewa and Papakura.

Proposal to alter Takanini to Takaanini

Land and property | New Zealand Geographic Board | 6 Jun to 10 Sep 2024 | Closing soon

The proposal is to change the name Takanini to Takaanini, for the suburb in Auckland between Manurewa and Papakura.

Proposal to alter Petone to Pito One

Land and property | New Zealand Geographic Board | 6 Jun to 10 Sep 2024 | Closing soon

The proposal is to change the name Petone to Pito One, for the suburb in Lower Hutt.

Valuers Bill

Bills | Parliamentary Counsel Office | 30 Jul to 10 Sep 2024 | Closing soon

PCO and LINZ are seeking feedback on the Valuers Bill before it is introduced to Parliament. The purpose of the Bill is to revise the Valuers Act 1948. The Valuers Act 1948 is old and expressed in out-of-date language. Revising this Act in a modern form will make it more accessible and help to reduce regulatory costs.

Application for a mātaitai reserve surrounding Moutohorā Island and the Rurima Island Group, Bay of Plenty

Fisheries | Ministry for Primary Industries | 31 Jul to 16 Sep 2024 | Open

In 2011, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa (Ngāti Awa) applied for a mātaitai reserve surrounding Moutohorā Island (Whale Island), and the Rurima Island Group in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

PUB00455: Look-through companies and disposal of residential land under the bright-line test

Land and property | Inland Revenue Department | 12 Aug to 23 Sep 2024 | Open

This interpretation statement explains how the bright-line rules (including the main home exclusion and rollover relief) apply in various situations involving residential land and transfers involving a look-through company. This interpretation statement applies only to transfers on or after 1 July 2024. A fact sheet has also been provided.

PUB00454: Income Tax - Share investments

Tax | Inland Revenue Department | 13 Aug to 24 Sep 2024 | Open

These draft items provide guidance for individuals who invest in shares, so they are aware of their tax obligations. The draft interpretation statement covers when an investor will have a tax liability for dividends, share sales and attributing interests in foreign investment funds (FIFs). The fact sheets provide information for investors, so they know when the FIF rules apply, or when they have a tax liability for dividends or taxable share sales. These items focus on investors who use online investment platforms, although the principles apply more widely (for example, investing using brokers). The items do not apply to non-individuals, investments in managed funds, Kiwisaver or illiquid investments in closely held companies.

End of Life Choice Act 2019 Review

Health | Ministry of Health | 1 Aug to 26 Sep 2024 | Open

The End of Life Choice Act 2019 is the law that makes assisted dying legal in New Zealand. It came into force on 7 November 2021. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora, and the Assisted Dying Service is delivered by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora.  The Ministry of Health is currently undertaking a review of the operation of the Act, to be completed in November 2024.

Proposed changes to Web Standards — Review 2024

Standards | Department of Internal Affairs | 2 to 30 Sep 2024 | Open

The Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) is updating the Web Standards to incorporate WCAG 2.2 and other improvements. Please review the draft standards and give us your views on these proposed changes.

Proposed topic and scope of Stats NZ's 2026 long-term insights briefing

Other | Statistics New Zealand | 26 Aug to 4 Oct 2024 | Open

Stats NZ is seeking feedback on the proposed topic and scope of its long-term insights briefing (LTIB) for 2026, 'The Future of Eco-nomics: Integrating Environmental and Economic Measurement in Aotearoa New Zealand'. It will present the case for better integration of economic and environmental metrics, and the emerging challenges and opportunities in this space.

Draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2025/26 to 2027/28

Gambling | Ministry of Health | 29 Aug to 6 Oct 2024 | Open

The Gambling Act 2003 (the Act) sets out requirements for an ‘integrated problem gambling strategy focused on public health’.The Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora is responsible for refreshing the strategy every three years. The Crown recovers the cost of developing and implementing the strategy, though a ‘problem gambling levy’ set by regulation at a different rate for each of the four main gambling sectors.The Ministry is now consulting on our draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm for 2025/26 to 2027/28 and the draft levy rates.

Income Tax and GST – forestry activities registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme

Forestry, Tax | Inland Revenue Department | 28 Aug to 8 Oct 2024 | Open

This interpretation statement considers the tax consequences for forestry activities registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme. The statement considers the tax consequences of receiving, selling and surrendering emissions units (NZUs), as well as the tax treatment of specific transactions involving NZUs.

Proposed reforms to 40-Series rules governing domestic commercial vessel design, construction and equipment

Government, Rules | Maritime New Zealand | 7 Aug to 18 Oct 2024 | Open

Maritime New Zealand is proposing significant reform of the Maritime Rules for design, construction and equipment (the DCE Rules). These rules are sometimes referred to as “the 40-Series rules”. The changes to the DCE rules are being consulted on as three packages, each including four to seven proposed new Rule Parts and the associated maritime transport instruments. This consultation is for Package 1 and the rule topics covered are Life-saving Appliances, Fire Protection, Machinery and Ancillary Equipment, and Anchors and Cables.

The Commissioner of Inland Revenue’s search powers

Other, Tax | Inland Revenue Department | 26 Aug to 18 Oct 2024 | Open

This statement outlines how the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (the Commissioner) will exercise one of the Commissioner’s information gathering powers: the search powers under ss 17, 17C and 17D of the Tax Administration Act 1994 (TAA) and the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 (SSA). The statement aims to provide taxpayers and their advisors with information about what to expect when the Commissioner uses these powers, and the Commissioner’s expectations of taxpayers.

Section 17B Notices

Tax, Other | Inland Revenue Department | 26 Aug to 18 Oct 2024 | Open

This operational statement outlines the procedures the Commissioner will generally follow when issuing notices, including to third parties, under s 17B of the Tax Administration Act 1994. Section 17B, which relates to information demands, contains one of the Commissioner’s information-gathering powers. The Commissioner can use other information-gathering powers (such as s 17) in conjunction with s 17B, but they are not discussed in this statement.

PUB00486: GST treatment of fees paid in relation to managed funds

Fees, Tax | Inland Revenue Department | 30 Aug to 25 Oct 2024 | Open

This interpretation statement considers the GST treatment of fees received by a manager of a managed fund and fees received by third-party suppliers (including investment managers) for supplies made to the manager of a managed fund.