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Taking annual holidays

In general, you can take annual holidays at any time that is agreed between you and your employer.

If you’re affected by COVID-19, Employment New Zealand has guidance on work-related issues:

As well as agreeing together about when you want to take your annual holidays, your employer must give you the opportunity to take at least 2 weeks’ of your 4 weeks’ annual holidays continuously.

See the Employment New Zealand website for more information.

Taking annual holidays in advance

If you do not have any annual holidays and you want to take time off, your employer might agree to let you take paid holidays in advance. When you reach your next anniversary, you’ll get your annual holiday entitlement, minus what you’ve already taken.

Taking holidays in advance — Employment New Zealand

Taking holidays during an annual closedown

If your employer has an annual closedown, you have to take time off even if you do not have any annual holidays. Annual closedowns often happen over Christmas and New Year, or for a seasonal break.

Your employer must give you at least 14 days’ notice of the closedown.

You have to take as much of your annual holidays as required to cover the closedown period. If you do not have enough annual holidays to cover the whole closedown period, you can take (if your employer agrees):

  • annual holidays in advance
  • some leave without pay, or
  • another form of leave.

If the closedown period includes any public holidays, you’ll be paid for them.

See the Employment New Zealand website for more information.

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact the following agency.

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